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ADD/ADHD Management Set Balancing excess energy and concentration problems!
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ADD/ADHD Management Set Balancing excess energy and concentration problems!
We suggest to add our essences Improving Memory and Concentration,
Gold Drops of Serenity and Relaxation
Courage Confidence and Determination,
Self Love and Confidence, - for a complete and thorough solution
Natural Healing Crystal Essence for Improving Memory & Concentration!
This essence is intended for improving concentration and memory, and it improves the flow of
oxygen to the brain and causes improved concentration and development of cognitive thought
for memorization and study. simulates brain
Natural Healing Crystal Essence Gold drops for Serenity Relaxation and peace!
cells and improves blood circulation to the brain. Encourages blessed brain activity and improves
activity of the senses.
This essence is intended for the prevention of tension, stress and fear. This is a natural substitute for
various types of sedatives. It supports balanced and fruitful coping with situations. In everyday life it provides emotional reinforcement, balancing and strengthening the nervous system, and balances thought and movement.
It helps prevent fear, tension, depression, increases self confidence, removes bothering thoughts, and promotes happiness. It supports and reinforces personal abilities and attains tranquility, serenity and being at peace with oneself and others. It brings a streaming and natural sense of happiness and kindness.
Natural Healing Essence for Courage, confidence and determination
This essence is intended to treat and eliminate feelings of fear, and reinforce inner courage in order to face known fears. It reinforces faith in your ability to meet challenges – fear, anxiety, worries.
This essence is to treat fear from a known source, such as fear of the dark, fear of certain animals, fear of closed spaces, of bugs, and any other known fear, as well as undefined and unclear fears.
It strengthens the nervous and emotional system, improves the flow of blood to the head, stimulates brain cells, balances sensory activity, balances thought and movement, creates positive thoughts over the long term. It widens the perspective and resilience.
Natural Healing Essence for Confidence & Positive Self Love
This essence is intended for developing, Confidence & positive self love.
This essence is intended for developing, reinforcing and establishing confidence and positive self love - both emotional and physical! It helps build the presence o f the inner self, and helps you love your good part
It reinforces my belief in myself and my ability to successfully meet challenges I will face.
Certified Kosher by Rabbi Landau and the Rabbi of the city of Bnei Brak.
This essence is based on ancient and renewed knowledge that has been tested and proven to help and heal, and has become an integral part of a variety of body-soul-spirit therapies.
It is natural, with no side effects, and most importantly – it works.
Click here for a detailed explanation of essences
Numerous studies conducted have proven, without a shred of doubt, that the chemical content of this essence does indeed change behavior, cause improvement in problematic emotional conditions and provides solutions for a wide variety of phenomena that afflict us and impact negatively on our quality of life.
All shipments are mailed in discrete packaging and sent via registered mail.
Price: $ 80.00
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