Cocktail memory
Natural Healing Crystal Set Essence for Improving Memory & Concentration! Natural Healing Crystal Essence for Improving Memory & Concentration! This essence is intended for improving concentration and memory, and it improves the flowof oxygen to the brain and causes improved concentration and development of cognitive thought for memorization and study. Stimulates brain cells and improves blood circulation to the brain. Encourages blessed brain activity and improves activity of the senses. Natural Healing Crystal Essence Gold drops for Serenity Relaxation and peace! This essence is intended for the prevention of tension, stress and fear. This is a natural Substitute for various types of sedatives. It supports Balanced and fruitful coping with situations. In everyday life it provides emotional reinforcement, balancing and strengthening the nervous system, and balances thought and movement. It helps prevent fear, tension,depression, increases self confidence, removes bothering thoughts, and promotes happiness. It supports and reinforces personal abilities and attains tranquility, serenity and being atpeace with oneself and others. It brings a streaming and natural sense of happiness and kindness. Natural Healing Crystal Essence from Anxiety to Positive Thinking! This essence is intended for treatment and relief of a constant flow of troubling thoughts. From over-sensitivity to a high capacity of discernment and perception. It changes theperspective from excess worrying to realistic perception, from anxiety and inactivity to a high capacity of discernment. It emphasizes the full part of the glass. It helps feel and transmit optimism. It brings a smile to your face, and develops, reinforces and creates an atmosphere of positive thinking, because good thoughts create good reality. Natural Healing Essence for Vitality organizational and implementation skills! This essence is intended to develop and improve everyday functioning and actions so that they will be orderly, affective and satisfactory. It creates positive thoughts, balances hormonal functions, reinforces, adds energy, improves blood circulation and strengthens muscles. It clears the mind and enables one to focus and organize daily activities, and to actually implement plans and carry them out perfectly, so as to enable self realization and the ability to successfully meet the challenges of daily life. Since we are all different, the effects of these essences may varied upon each individual. Please note that these essences are not substitute for medical treatment or medicine. The sets and essences that are exhibited on the site belong to that segment of complementary medicine that is precisely what the name implies – a complement to conventional medicine. Therefore, we do not propose to exchange medications and change dosages without consulting a physician. Those essences contain beside pure water from the Jordan River, the wave length of the very concentrated pure minerals that the gemstones consist of. The gems contain the same minerals we have in our body. This essence is based on ancient and renewed knowledge that help andheal the body - spirit - soul. Natural and without any side effects or addiction. Essence usage instructions: Drip 4 drops under the tongue 3 times a day on empty stomach (Can be mixed in with cold drinks.)