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Stabilizing Emotional Maturity


Stabilizing Emotional Maturity
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Stabilizing Emotional Maturity
Helps setting boundaries, the ability to say "no" .
and the difference between good and  bad.
Setting boundaries is one of the main ways to
define ourselves, who we are.
Emotionally healthy people define and set boundaries.
This is a sort of filter that helps you breathe.
When you set clear boundaries – these are healthy limits!
All the fears dissolve, to be replaced with a sense of trust.
There is increased willingness to cooperate with people around you.
Clear boundaries create growth and maturity, both on an
emotional level as well as on a spiritual one. It is vital to
define and set limits, to leave you with  breathing space,
and it is equally vital to educate others to respect your boundaries.
Price: $  32.00 

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