To be More Attractive and Popular -
Healing Bracelet -Red Agate, Serpentine, Lapis
The combination of those stones boost your inner strength, balance your emotions and increase your energy.
AGATE RED - Gives protection, aids strength and courage. Compels truth, promotes good manners, happiness, intelligence, and prosperity. Stabilizes
the aura.
SERPENTINE - Helps with emotional imbalances and enables you to feel more in control of your life. It corrects and amends the balance between emotional and rational energies, so you can express the best of yourself.
LAPIS LAZULI- Emotionally helps us convey feelings and emotions. Rationally is the best supporter to develop cognitive mind and excellent backer for linear thinking.
Bracelet Size: 7.5
20 stones, 8 mm each
These bracelets are made from genuine gemstones.
Each bracelet was created for a particular physical,
Emotional or spiritual need.
The variation of gemstones and their colors create
Harmonious vibrations that enhance the stones' powers.
Please Note: This item is not to be construed as a
recommendation of medical treatment or medication.
Sending wellness out to the world…
Peace and blessings,