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Courage, confidence and determination


Home >> Products >> Healing Essences >> Courage, confidence and determination
Courage, confidence and determination
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This essence is intended to treat and eliminate feelings of fear, and reinforce inner courage in order to face known fears.
It reinforces faith in your ability to meet challenges – fear, anxiety, worries. This essence is used to treat fear from a known source, such as fear of the dark, fear of certain animals, fear of closed spaces, of bugs, and any other known fear, as well as undefined and unclear fears…

It strengthens the nervous and emotional system, improves the flow of blood to the head, stimulates brain cells, balances sensory activity, balances thought and movement, creates positive thoughts over the long term. It widens the perspective and resilience. Chemical formula: ZV+SiO 2x 4

Essence usage instructions:
Drip 4 drops under the tongue 3 times a day or when you feel the need. Can be mixed with drinks. Can be used as often as desired every 2 hours until improvement is felt.

Certified Kosher by Rabbi Landau and the Rabbi of the city of Bnei Brak.
This essence is based on ancient and renewed knowledge that has been tested and proven to help and heal, and has become an integral part of a variety of body-soul-spirit therapies.
It is natural, with no side effects, and most importantly – it works.
Click here for a detailed explanation of essences

Numerous studies conducted have proven, without a shred of doubt, that the chemical content of this essence does indeed change behavior, cause improvement in problematic emotional conditions and provides solutions for a wide variety of phenomena that aflict us and impact negatively on our quality of life.

All shipments are mailed in discrete packaging and send via registered mail.

Price: $  44.00 

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