A set for removing the evil eye and expelling negative energies from the living space
A set for removing the evil eye and expelling negative energies Living areas are cleansed of negative and malicious energies. Rid yourself and your surroundings of every trace of bad atmosphere due to arguments, another's negative actions and thoughts or to downfall which can all suppress spirituality, abundance and growth and create unsettling negative energies. This kit is based on an age-old method using the Hoshen stones. Say goodbye to melancholy, confusion, fear, troublesome thoughts, anxiety, apprehension and nightmares. Delight in the feeling of overall wellbeing, calm, inner cleansing and a gradual purifying of the soul. Doors are opened and all matters of life such as money matters and relationships will be greatly improved.
Detailed instructions are attached to the kit. Use of the stones is based on ancient and renewed knowledge that has been tested and proven to help and heal, and has become an integral part of a wide range of body-soul-spirit therapies. It is natural, with no side effects, and most importantly – it works. Click here for a detailed explanation of the stone kits Numerous studies conducted have proven, without a shred of doubt, that the chemical composition of this combination of stones does indeed change behavior, cause improvement in problematic emotional and physical conditions and provides solutions for a wide variety of phenomena that afflict us and impact negatively on our quality of life. All shipments are mailed in discrete packaging and sent via registered mail.