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Healing bracelet overcome anger and helps to reduce anger Natural Gem your anger and cleanse your mind and body of it


Healing bracelet overcome anger and helps  to reduce anger Natural Gem your anger   and cleanse your mind and body of it
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Healing Bracelet to Overcome Anger  
Smokey Quartz, Lapis Lazulai and Blue Jade

Those stones are a special combination of Natural  stones known for their ability to sooth feelings of extreme anger & hostility. Together, this combination induces a state of mental calm & peace, while helping to heal the root cause of these negative emotions.   

SMOKEY QUARTZ - Increases our tolerance of stress, has a relaxing affect and encourages concentration.  Calms the mind and eases depression,  fear and panic.  Clarifies thought, attention to detail through its rounding abilities and creativity

LAPIS LAZULI- Emotionally helps us convey feelings 
 and emotions. Rationally is the best supporter to 
develop  cognitive mind and excellent backer for linear thinking  

BLUE JADE - A symbol of purity and serenity. Said to bring inner  peace and patience. Harmony and good luck. Cleanse the body of   toxins through the center of communication and strengthen the good  connection between emotions and mind. 
That's how the mind can rule the  emotions the best way. 

Bracelet Size: 7.5
20 stones, 8 mm each
These bracelets are made from genuine gemstones.
Each bracelet was created for a particular physical,
Emotional or spiritual need.

The variation of gemstones and their colors create
Harmonious vibrations that enhance the stones' powers.
Please Note: This item is not to be construed as a
recommendation of medical treatment or medication.
Sending wellness out to the world
Peace and blessings,

Price: $  38.00 

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